Doctor Joel Wallach
Endorses Majestic Earth Colloidal Minerals
Biochemical Surprises
It may surprise you to find out that our body relies on substances
that we normally think of as toxic. For instance, the vitamin
B-12 (cyanocobalamin) is a form of cyanide. According to the
FASEB Journal humans need approximately 12 mg/day of arsenic.
Studies have shown that deficiencies in arsenic can cause depressed
growth, impaired fertility, and myocardial damage.
Chlorine is another fine example of an element that most people
are wary of. As you know, chlorine is one of the components of
hydrochloric acid. It is also used to disinfect the water that
we drink and that we swim in. Furthermore, there is a chlorine
gas that is toxic when inhaled. You might want to seriously consider
the health risk that you would face if you exposed yourself to
these types of chlorine for any length of time.
But, did you know that your body absolutely needs the plant-derived
mineral form of chlorine just to maintain proper digestion of
foods? It's true.
As you can see, the phrase "A rose by any other name
is still a rose" doesn't apply in these cases. Sometimes
a name or partial information can be extremely misleading. In
other words, sometimes your body can benefit from substances
that most people mistakenly equate with poison.
We would do well to remember that we are often prejudiced
by preconceived notions and/or myths. For instance, if you were
given a bowl of applesauce and told that it contained a very
high count of living bacteria, would you eat it? Many people
wouldn't - they would be disgusted.
The reason for this negative reaction is that they equate
all bacteria with harmful germs. To a certain extent, this reaction
can be appreciated. All of our lives, we have been told that
bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella, and a host of others, in
high concentrations, can kill us. What we are not repeatedly
told is that there are several strains of good bacteria which
are necessary for healthy living. Therefore, to many people,
bacteria is a bad guy. Period. Again, this is a view that cannot
be upheld by scientific or medical evaluation.
If we applied this type of association with other parts of
our lives, we would be too afraid to enjoy life. Many people
would never enjoy a kiss or have an intimate relationship. We
would be afraid to breathe because the same oxygen that helps
us to live also causes free-radicals to form in our body. Life
would become misery.
The Receipe
for a Good Life!
Minerals are important
for your health!
Click on UnderLined Links
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"Dead Doctors Don't Lie" audio tape
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True Health
: Phone: (888) 249-4464
Phone center hours 10:00 am till 10:00 pm EST
Colloidal Minerals
The answer for Trace Mineral Nutrition
Minerals are essential to
life itself!
Doctor Joel Wallach and his Pig Pack
Formula can be for those that are one of the 20 million
Americans who has listened to Doctor Wallachs "Dead Doctors Don't Lie!
- the audio tape by Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, The Mineral
Doctor? Doctor Wallach has advocated that this formula may comfort
those with artthritis pain and associated joint problems.
Pig Pack Formula from Youngevityy has made ordering
the products for the Pig Pack Formula much easier. You can buy all those products at one
time. Included in the pig pack is 2 Majestic Earth
Minerals #13203, 2 Majestic
Earth Ultimate Tangy Tangerine #13221, 1 Ultimate
Gluco Gel #21251 and 1 Ultimate
E.F.A. #20641 .
Look also at our
Gluco Gel with MSM,
Glucosame Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Cetylmyristoleate, and
Collagen Hydrolysate. Check out Liquid
Osteo fx an easy way to get your 1200mg of Daily Calcium
with MSM and Glucosame Sulfate.
Pig Pack Wholesale Price:164.95