Doctor Joel Wallach
What About Heavy Metals and Poisons
in relation to Colloidal Minerals?
We are told that no one should ever ingest a supplement that
contains elemental nickel, lead, arsenic, iodine, aluminum, titanium
and other such minerals due to the possibility of toxic build-up.
This is good advice. Most heavy metals are toxic to the body.
The problem with this advice is that it often confuses those
who don't know the difference between plant-derived, organic
minerals and minerals that are sourced from rocks. The implication
is made that these minerals are dangerous in any form - organic
or inorganic. This simply is not true. There is a world of difference.
Unfortunately, many nutritional 'experts' group plant-derived
colloidal minerals with metallic minerals regardless of the fact
that elemental minerals can come from sources such as soil, clay,
oyster shell, limestone, and sea salts - among others.
Due to this illogical grouping, they assert that the heavy
metals that are contained in elemental minerals are the same
as those found in plant-derived colloidal minerals. This just
isn't the case. As already stated, once fulvic acid acts upon
metallic (elemental) mineral and transforms it, the mineral can
then be stored in plant-tissues as an organic substance. So,
even though the mineral, which is now organic, retains its former
title (e.g., lead, arsenic, etc.) it is chemically altered so
that it is no longer the same substance.
A good example of this is a chunk of coal
and a diamond.
Diamonds and coal are very similar to one another since a
diamond starts out as a piece of coal. However, through a process
of heat, pressure, and time the coal is altered in form and becomes
something completely different.
This reckless classification has led many people to believe
that the s o-called toxic minerals are bad regardless of their
source. The aluminum which is found in foods is a good example.
This type of aluminum is not only tied to oxygen or silica (hydroxide
or aluminum silica), but it has been preassimilated by a plant
and is naturally ionic. Both of these types of aluminum are organic
and beneficial and are used as food additives throughout the
Colloidal Minerals
are not Toxic.
Minerals are important
for your health!
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Colloidal Minerals
The answer for Trace Mineral Nutrition
Minerals are essential to
life itself!
Doctor Joel Wallach and his Pig Pack
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