Doctor Wallach :Vitamins control the body's ability to absorb,
and use minerals, and without minerals, vitamins have no purpose,and
are quickly eliminated from the body. It is a huge waste of money
to gobble handfuls of high potency tablets, without backing them
up with the right minerals. It's like trying to run your car
with a full tank of gas, but no oil in the engine. Lacking vitamins,
the system can make some use of minerals, but without minerals,
vitamins are useless. ... This discovery is one of the latest
and most important revelation by science about human health.
Research has shown direct
correlations between mineral deficiencies and illnesses. For
example, diabetes or hypoglycemia involve chromium, zinc and
vanadium deficiencies; cancer and heart disease involve selenium,
copper, and more. Most everyone knows that osteoporosis involves
a calcium deficiency, but fewer know about the need for magnesium
and boron as well.
Life without minerals? Impossible! Did you know that proteins,
enzymes and hormones are all formed from minerals? Minerals are
the cornerstone of good health, all prevention and recovery programs.
Doctor Joel Wallach and his Pig
Pack Formula can be for those that are one of the 20
million Americans who has listened to Doctor Wallachs "Dead Doctors Don't Lie! - the audio tape by Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND,
The Mineral Doctor? Doctor Wallach has advocated that this formula
may comfort those with artthritis pain and associated joint problems.
Pig Pack Formula from Youngevityy has made ordering
the products for the Pig Pack Formula much easier. You can buy all those products at one
time. Included in the pig pack is 2 Majestic Earth
Minerals #13203, 2 Majestic
Earth Ultimate Tangy Tangerine #13221, 1 Ultimate
Gluco Gel #21251 and 1 Ultimate
E.F.A. #20641 .
Look also at our Liquid
Gluco Gel with MSM,
Glucosame Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Cetylmyristoleate, and
Collagen Hydrolysate. Check out Liquid
Osteo fx an easy way to get your 1200mg of Daily Calcium
with MSM and Glucosame Sulfate.
Pig Pack Wholesale Price:164.95
Tell Us About Minerals
Joel D. Wallach, B.S.,
Minerals are essential
to life itself!